Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Future??

I wonder where our future is headed? I mean with everything happening right now as it is...the economic problem, the ballots, the presidential debate, and other stuff like that. I wonder if were headed the the right way or even if there is a right way. Because politicians never really keep their "promise" on ways on improving our counrty in many ways like health, taxes, and other things like that. I feel that they just sometimes brain wash people with all their ads and using big words that some never even heard. So at the end who do u really end up voting for? I mean are we voting for the candidate himself or what his party is saying? I have so many questions that I wish would be answered but at the same time...I would rather not find out. Somethings are better left unanswered right?....W'ell thats what I think. This whole world is getting crappier and crappier the more we keep "moving" ahead, when it actually feels that we are going nowhere. We all hope for the best for each and every single one of us but I feel we do that to get ourselves out of denial of a certain situation we are in or one we want to avoid, so who do we turn to? God?? Who knows since we all have our own beliefs and Gods, since I believe that there may be more than 1 God since there is more than 1 religion. I also believe that past generations had it better than us but in way they don't have a chance to survive in the generation we live in now. We've changed so much but only in a way that has such little significance and to tell you the truth I have no idea what that is. I guess we should all just hope for the best right?....yeah maybe thats the best thing to do now. We'll im signing off again and thanx again for reading.

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